

Hiro Toda, the founder and managing director of JCCM makes practical use of over 45 years’ experience in risk analysis and risk management. For the last 15 years, JCCM has provided expert advice to help companies navigate difficult waters and improve its strategies.

Hiro has had an international financial career spanning Japan, the United States, the Netherlands and the UK. He has worked for British and Japanese government trade departments UKTI (UK Trade and Investment) and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organisation), as well as insurance corporations (Willis Corroon Group, EULER Hermes Group) and banks (Banque Indosuez, ABN Bank).

Hiro is recognised as an expert in the field of risk management for global companies. He has been invited to speak by many organisations including the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Chatham House. He is a regular guest lecturer on business and finance at the University of Westminster (London) and Meiji University (Tokyo). For over 10 years, he has written two regular columns for Japanese business media (Jiji-Web News and Kinyu Zaisei Business).

Hiro recently attracted wider media attention in Japan for predicting Brexit and its effects over three years before the referendum. (See his appearance on TV Tokyo here.) Since then he has provided accurate expert analyses on Brexit, particularly in relation to what it could mean for companies operating globally.