How do I make my company stronger?

Companies are unique.

Solutions should be too.


All too often, a particular management style or business strategy becomes fashionable and companies adopt it, hoping that something that worked for another company will work for them.

But each business is unique: from industry sectors, funding levels, employee numbers, clientbase, market context to economic area, we are all operating in very different conditions.

During the bubble economy, people saw Japan’s remarkable economic growth and sought to imitate the typical Japanese company management style. But as the bubble burst, this was criticised as insular and feudalistic.

Subsequently,the opposite happened: Japanese companies tried to integrate Western management styles, such as having outside directors and separating board members and executive officers. But this did not help most companies to improve their business performances.

Nowadays the management styles that are in fashion have changed — ‘flat organisation’, ‘holacracy’ — but the problem remains: a one-size-fits-all approach that does not take into account the unique challenges that each company faces.

There are many company executives who have lost their guiding principles and feel they are grasping around in the dark.

JCCM believes that the key to making your company stronger is to analyse and understand the core competencies of your business, and to concentrate management resources to them. Only then can we find the best way to strengthen your company and adapt your management styles. Because each company is distinct and has its own character. JCCM will work with you to find it and strengthen it